Merry Christmas everyone. NC will be back on Tuesday.

I wanted to let you know, how much a few of us appreciate the work you put into the blog. Thank you...keep up the great work.
Bob M.
I don’t know who you are or where you get your info from, but I enjoy reading your blog several times during the day. I constantly check for updates during the day and get disappointed when there aren’t any. I find your posts insightful and meaningful. They give me a heads up on the market and since I day trade, they are tremendously useful. Makes me feel like I have an inside track. Thank you for providing this wonderful service. I hope to see a lot more from you. Feel free to write. Best to you.
Steve C.
Hi there,
I happened to come across your blog a few days ago, and I gotta tella ya....I am impressed. I have been trading for 7 years now, and do so mostly around the ug/dg of the day tht I find to b most worthy of a trade, and find your blog to be very informative.
Keep it up,
Larry B
I find your site to be a very valuable tool each day. I am partner in a trading firm.
Jerry P.
1 comment:
Hey NC writer,
I just want to add my appreciation for your willingness and time and hard work to share your resources and valuable insights for the benefit of your readers. I usually read NC each morning.
Here's a 'Christmas poem' I wrote a few years ago. Some of it may not make a lot of sense if you're not biblically literate, but the general idea should still be there.
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