Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Plot To Kidnap Obama...

Notablecalls: So now you know how I feel about the elections


MidwestPM said...

Politics aside I find the depiction of a watermelon as bait offensive.

# 56 said...

Maybe that is the point?

Bruce said...

Politics aside, I believe that is politically incorrect.

I suppose its kind of funny when one gets over being offended & embarrassed for humanity, but it's in pretty poor taste, nonetheless.

Sia said...


SiamTwin said...

really poor taste. time for you to go fishin' again.

Unknown said...

Poor taste or not... at least there was no mention of his nappy hair.

A joke is a joke - if you don't like it shoot it... the American way!

If you find this offensive - Maybe you were busy studying morals while Phil Gramm was selling out your country. But of course most of you have no idea what I'm talking about.


pipes said...

yes poor taste...... but funny as hell

Huss said...

I would've been offended if there was a bucket of KFC under there :)

Eric B. said...

congratulations on being a fool and a racist.

Manneck said...

Shame on you - it's not funny and very offensive - your mother must be so proud-not!

CollerK said...

Is this unnecessary and offensive post a reflection of the lack of respect you have for yourself and this site at present?

Take some time off. Used to be a good read here, going down hill fast. Good luck.

sam said...

Kudos for this picture.
This picture is a treasure.
Hard to imagine what Amerika will look like in 2 weeks.

Stewie said...

hahahahahaha! I am laughing at you, you fucking LOSER!!! i hope you lost all your money in the market. That's what i LOVE about the stock market: it will expose you. You have been exposed you piece of shit! If you are the kind of american who will be voting for that old fart and his slutty airhead running mate, then OBAMA will be a fresh change, if anything just to see that look on your disgusting face! shut down this crappy site while you still have some dignity left, you worthless piece of dog shit.

Bluedog said...

Two big thumbs down, NC. I used to respect your site. Now I just want to walk over and punch your eyebrows off. There is no justification for bigotry. Why would you stoop to this? WTF.

Unknown said...

and black people

CapCube said...

Poor taste ? Perhaps.

Poor attempt at a joke ? Probably.

End of the world ? No.

NC pro or anti-Obama ? Not sure.

Give the guy a break folks; move on.

Vote McCain.

Unknown said...

can anyone explain what this pic. mean or want to say?

AJ said...
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Anonymous said...

Poor taste.

Stewie said...

All you fukckin COCK SUCKERS who are supporting this joke, i really wish you death! you are cowards and YOU WILL EAT MY SHIT. I dare you to confront me, you fuckin PUSSY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pro Obama, but I chuckled. Does that make me a racist? I could give a crap.

Its called a 1st Amendment. And if some of you are offended by "stuff on the internet", it might be time to board up the windows gang.

Last time I checked, it's his f-ing blog. He owes us nothing. Move on if you need too.

BobbyM said...


Mike said...

yea this site it shit, ill no longer be coming to view, i can tell you that. because you chuckle does that make you a racist? maybe not. does that mean you condone racist sentiment? yes. "stuff on the internet" comes from a source, doesnt magically appear and people dont have to "accept" anything. 1st amendment just makes it legal, doesnt make it respectable. Were not calling the cops, were just calling him a shameful, close, minded and insecure adolescent. Exercising our 1st amendment.

Charles said...

After the great "triumphs" of the Bush/Cheney administration, this is the best you can come up with?

Not funny. Mindless. Juvenile.

Your fellow citizens need you to become an adult now.

cramermutebutton said...

you guys are such crybabies. I can tell that most of you are losing money in the market because you cant even take a harmless joke. you act as if obama is your sister and notabale calls just sh*t on your sisters house. Relax dudes. I guess all the media images of sarah palin hung from a noose is ok with you.

Budaman said...

Love the joke. Hilarious. Stewie u really need to chill out, actually just about all of you do. Laugh a little. Pull the rake out ur ass. Think of how many jokes are made about McCains age, you dont see me getting on those sights and calling them fucking children. I guess its just a fact that Republicans are funner people (and smarter).... MCCAIN 08!!

Poohpa said...

Stop being 'politically correct'. . . this is way past being offensive. . . call it what it is. . . 'racist'.

Xan said...

Funny as hell and bottom line is it's a joke and it is supposed to be offensive. If you don't get it or don't think its funny then you either live under a rock or you're black.

Unknown said...

I choked myself from laughing. I think most of these people need to get over it. A joke is a joke, and most of those racist and ethnic jokes are based on some modicum of truth, anyway. My word of advice? Get over yourselves--the world will be a better place for it.

Unknown said...

Funniest thing I have ever seen. If you are offended, then you need to get out more.

Unknown said...

watermellon, bucket of KFC, no matter they'll both work.

pmil said...

too fucking political humor

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.