Monday, September 29, 2008

My game plan for the open/pre mkt

I suspect we will get a nice bounce off the open:

- Wachovia (NYSE:WB) looks horrible but apart from that I see no real reason to be overly pessimistic here.

Whoever buys it will end up with a large mkt share. Bullish for the L-T. I wish it will be Wells buying WB. Citi has too many problems.

The only problematic area is tech with fin. exposure. So I'm not sure I will be buying Research in Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM) just yet. Although they have confessed already and got its beating.

Even Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is worth a nibble in the $115-$117 area. AAPL's not my call but coming from a heavy hitting tier-1 trader on NCN (Notable Calls Network).

Hope it helps,



  1. bad call so far.

    Been nibbling AAPL 112ish

    Some CF in the 84 range

  2. I think the open has caught everyone by surprise...insight on CF?
